Sunday praise @DCBC

Durban Central Baptist Church

Calvary where our victory was sealed

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The Kiddies PreSchool


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We strive to celebrate salvation by glorifying God in all our lives, serving God in total dependence on God the Holy Spirit - with this reaching out to the world. Hence the statement: Saved to Serve!
As Baptist Church, our family is part of a much larger family of believers who all live by the same beliefs as we do. Our family nature is based on a common understanding of the Bible and of God. Some of the important ideas which separate us from other followers of Christ are our belief in the complete supremacy of the Bible in all things.
The Durban Central Baptist Church (DCBC) is located in the central business district of the cosmopolitan city of Durban. Right at the heart of the city, DCBC is a multicultural, multinational church.

Our Ministries

Spiritual Welfare & Outreach Ministry

Spiritual Welfare & Outreach Ministry

Christian life is a journey to the kingdom of God… through our journey we called to move the gospel of Jesus through all the nations. Evangelism and spiritual welfare is key to fulfilling this command: making disciples…

Sunday School Ministry

Sunday School Ministry

We want to teach our children to: Know… more about God through the teaching of his word in an age appropriate manner. Love… Him with all their hearts, souls and minds. Serve… Him at home, at school, at church and within their communities. 
Women in Christ Ministry

Women in Christ Ministry

Ladies who are committed to praying for the church and each other while learning Bible truths about being examples of Christian ladies in today’s church.

Men Fellowship Ministry

Men Fellowship Ministry

The Fellowship gives men opportunity to be together sharing on life experience through Christ-like life. Building each other as we walk this journey in true brotherhood.

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry – Hope Tower gives our young people a platform to share and exchange their experience with the Lord. This is where our young people learn and share knowledge of Christian life as they grow and lead a Christ like life.

Praise and Worship Ministry

Praise and Worship Ministry

The Praise & Worship ministry is one of the many ministries within the church contributing to the advancement of the work of God and keeping the light of the gospel burning; with the mission as the worship ministry is to lead others into all-out, uncompromised worship of God.

Our Services

Main Service

After the french service we have the English service which is the main service (commonly known as the english service) start at 9h30 every Sunday morning. As a multicultural, multinational church... we kindly welcome you join us and let us worship our Lord God in different languages and different cultures.

Wednesday Prayer Evening

As Christians we are called to live a life of warfare where prayer is the most powerful weapon we can use against the enemy. Prayer is also way we speak, converse to our Mighty Father. Every first Wednesday of the month we have Prayer Service from 18h00 to 20h00.

Wednesday Bible Study

The Bible is the greatest source of wisdom in life. During his ministry Jesus spent time teaching the good news - the Gospel of salvation through which we get to know Him better, and knowing Him means knowing the Father. Every second Wednesday of the month we have Bible Study which start at 18h00 to 20h00.

French Service

Durban Central Baptist Church is a multicultural, multinational church fitting well in the cosmopolitan city of Durban. With a large french speaking community, the french service offers an opportunity to our french speaking brothers and sisters to worship the Lord in their language while also learning English. The service starts at 8h00 and finishes at 9h15. English translation is provided during the service: French-English, English-French.

Sunday School

To everything there is always the foundation which is the sustaining pillar of any building. Knowing this very well, Jesus said: "let the little children come to me... as the Kingdom of God is for those who are like them". Our children are our future leaders and they need to be brought up within the word of God. The Sunday school start at 10h00 every Sunday morning

All-night Prayer meeting

We have said it before prayer is the way we converse with our Father God. Prayer is our greatest weapon against the power of enemy. Living a life of prayer like Jesus did is the most important thing in Christian life. Every last Friday of the month we have all night prayer service starting from 21h00 to 3h00

  • All
  • Evangelism and Outreach
Men’s Fellowship to Conduct Soup Kitchen

Men’s Fellowship to Conduct Soup Kitchen

The Durban Central Baptist Church’s Men Fellowship will be o...

Weekly Devotion

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there.

Genesis 12:1-5


The Call of Abram

The Call of Abram

The king commanded Joab, Abishai and Ittai, “Be gentle with the young man Absalom for my sake.” And all the troops heard the king giving orders concerning Absalom to each of the commanders.

2 Samuel 18:5-9

Power of forgiveness

La promesse à Caleb – donne-moi ma montagne

The PreSchool

Contact Info

  • +27 (0) 31 337 2571
  • 155 Pixley KaSeme (West) Street
    Durban 4001
    South Africa